Course Errata

This page lists errata found in the course materials of AMATH 483/583. If you find a new error, post it to piazza. The course staff will attempt to fix as many as possible as they are posted, but you should also check here to make corrections to any documents that you may have had prior to the fixes being applied.


Lecture Slides


Homework Assignments

Assignment One

** xcode command line installation ** On Mac OS X Mojave, even after the command line tools are installed with

$ xcode-select --install

It may still be necessary to copy certain files to their standard linux locations. If the installation there has not been done, many of the C++ library files will not be found in /usr/include and /usr/include will be empty or nearly so.

To populate it, run the command

$ sudo installer -pkg /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg -target /

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